Possum, Packrat, and Dr. Sharpie — er, Queen Sharpie — present photos from UUCPA kids showing their stuffies in Halloween costumes. Whose costume is best? Queen Sharpie has an answer…. (Updated version of the video, with three more stuffie costumes.)

Complete text of the video is below the fold….
Possum: Wait, how come we’re doing the story for all ages this week? What happened to Akhenaten and ancient Egypt?
Sharpie: Now that I’m queen, I decided to interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to show everyone the Halloween costumes that UUCPA kids made for their stuffed animals.
Possum: Um, Sharpie, that — you’re just wearing a queen costume, you’re not really the queen.
Sharpie: Yes, I am. And I decree that we shall now show all the slides the kids sent in of their stuffies in costume
Possum: That sounds like a good idea. Let’s go!
Possum [voiceover]: It’s Stasha with a princess costume. Elise made a mummy costume with toilet paper. Look out, Sassy Surfer. Rad! Jonathan with two superheroes. Here comes Ginger’s Wonder Woman. And Delia’s Fuzzy.
Possum: Which costume so far is your favorite?
Packie: Well….
Possum: Now think carefully!
Packie: Oh. Um. Sharpie’s costume is the best so far.
Sharpie: That is the correct response.
Possum [voiceover]: Look out, it’s a COVID-masked llama. Here comes Captain Bounce to the rescue. Alex with a cowboy. William’s knight in shining armor. Here’s Eloise’s Bam-bam Birdkeeper. Reva with a cat. Sofiya with a bat. And Niki with a Queen, Whaler, and Wizard.
Possum: Sharpie’s really getting into that queen costume, isn’t she?
Packie: Let’s just hope she takes it off when she goes to bed.
Possum: Anyway, we want to thank all the kids who sent in photos of their stuffies in costume.
Packie: Thanks, kids!
Possum: The middle school “Neighboring Religions” class has awards for all the kids who sent in photos. Kids, you’ll be getting your award certificate in the mail soon.
Packie: And we had so much fun looking at the photos, too.
Possum: Yeah, it was fun seeing other UUCPA stuffies dressed up in costume.
Packie: I can’t wait until next year!
Possum [voiceover]: And tune in next week to find out what happened to the gods of ancient Egypt and Akhenaten.