
It’s winter; it’s supposed to be the rainy season; but it’s so dry that according to today’s San Francisco Chronicle, five Bay area counties have instituted outdoor burning. Not only have we had about half our normal rainfall so far this season, but the days have been sunny and the air has been drier than usual.

The soil in our garden is nearly as dry as it is in the summer time. When I water the broccoli and greens we have growing, the water quickly sinks out of sight. We try to water our garden with the clean run-off water from the shower, but the soil was so dry last week that the bucket of water from the shower was not enough for the broccoli; I had to fill up the bucket twice more from the hose.

One thought on “Dry”

  1. You write:

    “…it’s so dry that according to today’s San Francisco Chronicle, five Bay area counties have instituted outdoor burning.”

    Well, out here in the Midwest, we usually institute *bans* against outdoor burning when it’s dry. But I guess California does things differently. We’ll be looking into that approach. Ten or fifteen years from now.


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