Henry, our music director, stood up during joys and concerns (what this congregation calls “Caring and Sharing”), and spoke poignantly about his mother. Henry said his mother had died in 1999, which was a while ago. But he has learned over the years that while the pain immediately after someone dies does lessen, it never goes away, and remains always, as a kind of “dull pain” (to use Henry’s words). He managed to put into words what I’ve been thinking myself. My mother died in 1999; Carol’s mother died just over two years ago; and this year I’ve been very aware of that dull pain of which Henry speaks. This is not exactly a profound insight; but it’s funny how I manage to forget this repeatedly, until suddenly there it is again.

One thought on “ ”

  1. Hi Dan. I compare losing my mom to losing my arm or leg. I’ve gotten used to the limb not being there, but I’m always reminded of its loss. Every year I think, will THIS be the year that Mother’s Day doesn’t hurt? So far…nope. (My mom died in 2005.)

    Hugs to you. See you soon.

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