Wait, what does this church stand for?…

Ferry Beach Conference Center, Saco, Maine

This year’s theme at the annual religious education conference is how to spread the word about Unitarian Universalism. Which raises the interesting question — how do you tell a visitor to your church what “Unitarian Universalism” means, anyway? I interview Peter Newport, one of the ministers at the Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Unitarian Universalist church, and I ask him that very question.

Not to kill the suspense, but we don’t come up with an answer…. (1:24)

Screen grab from the video showing two middle aged white guys laughing.

Note: video host blip.tv is defunct, so this video no longer exists.

3 thoughts on “Wait, what does this church stand for?…

  1. Administrator

    Peacebang — Nope, not hard to do at all. Just time-consuming — took about five minutes to shoot the raw footage, and two hours to edit it.

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