Excuses, excuses

I’ve been meaning to implement “tags” on this blog — tags are a kind of keyword that allow for improved searching within the blog. I wanted to add tags to provide a kind of index, to allow me (and you, or any other reader) to find worthwhile things quickly among the all the junk that has accumulated in the 1000+ posts here.

It proved to be more time-consuming than I had envisioned. I spent three hours yesterday making a false start, and then figuring out how to fix the mess I’d made. I spent another two hours today implementing the fix, and then beginning to add tags to the earliest posts on the blog. That used up all the spare time I have had for the past two days, and so I haven’t had any time to write a real post. Excuses, excuses.

You’ll find a “tag cloud” at the bottom of the sidebar on the main page. Click on any phrase or keyword there, and you will get all the posts that I have tagged with that phrase or keyword. As of now, I’ve only added tags to posts dated February-December, 2005 — eventually, all posts will be tagged.

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