Friday video: Autumnal tints video postcard

Another video postcard — this time “Autumnal Tints in New England.” It’s shamelessly pastoral, with however the realistic inclusion of passing SUVs and airplane noise overhead. All video shot in and around Concord, Massachusetts, in Minuteman National Historical Park and Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. (1:05)

Note: video host is defunct, so this video no longer exists.

2 thoughts on “Friday video: Autumnal tints video postcard

  1. Jean

    Dear Dan,
    Thank you for the postcard. Owen and I like the big tractor, the nice minuteman, and the cow.
    Love, Jean

  2. jmelissab

    I love the waving minutemen – very surreal.

    I’m sorry the leaves will be gone. I pictured a lovely drive through NE autumn in my trip there this week.

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