Saving Star Island

Star Island, a religious conference center off the coast of New Hampshire, got shut down in late June for violations of the electrical code. They have just announced that they now have permission to reopen as of today, for personal retreats: press release here.

At the same time, Star Island Corporation has clearly taken a big financial hit — they have been closed for nearly half their season already, and it’s hard to imagine how they will recover that lost revenue. An independent group called “Save Our Star” has begun organizing fundraisers to help out, and you can see their Website here.

Star Island Conference Center provides a real service to liberal religion, by hosting conferences that allow laypeople and clergy to deepen their religious lives, develop leadership skills, and celebrate liberal religious values. Let’s hope they can get back on a sound financial footing — and if you know anyone who could write them a six-figure check, you might want to pass that name along to them.