If you live in Massachusetts…

I received the announcement below from the Religious Coalition for the Freedom To Marry. I plan to be present at the Massachusetts State House on January 2, and if you live in Massachusetts maybe you can come, too.

Legislators will meet one more time on January 2nd to consider a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. This will be the final day of the current legislative session — and we’re working to make sure that legislators vote to stop this amendment from moving to the 2008 ballot.

This is our opponents’ last chance to pass the anti-gay amendment, and they are desperately trying to intimidate legislators. They have filed two last-ditch lawsuits against legislators and have vowed to bring in buses of people to the Constitutional Convention on the 2nd. Please help us to make sure the voices of marriage equality are heard at the State House on January 2nd.

Join us at the Constitutional Convention on January 2nd. Supporters will begin to organize on Beacon Street at 8 AM. The Constitutional Convention starts at 2 PM and at that time we will be able to view the proceedings from Gardner Auditorium in the State House. Even if you can only come for an hour or two, your presence is needed.

Constitutional Convention
Gathering begins at 8 AM
State House, Boston

For more information about how you can help in these final days, please contact Amy Mello at (617) 878-2307 or email AmyMello@MassEquality.org.