Diminishing Google reliance

Scott Wells links to a good post on getting Google out of your life, a post which reads in part:

But is it dangerous to give all our information and to rely so completely on one corporation? Should we be worried? Should we be looking for alternatives? Should we be moving our data out of Google as soon as possible?

Answers: Yes. Yes. Yes. Maybe not all, but anything that is the least bit sensitive — as a minister, I have steadfastly refused to use Gmail because Google stores email data for a too long, and doesn’t seem to have any real understanding of confidentiality, and the only documents I put on Google Docs are ones I’m willing to share with the whole world.

I’ve placed some links to alternative Web sites in the sidebar. Feel free to add your own non-Google favorites.

1 thought on “Diminishing Google reliance

  1. Amy

    I don’t like having one company so dominate any service, which is one reason I usually use Goodsearch.com, benefitting UUCPA. It uses Yahoo’s program, and I do prefer a Boolean engine, but it’s the only search engine I know that gives money to my church when I search.

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