This just in…

This just in from the folks at Mass Equality:

This morning, Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Thomas Connolly ruled that same-sex couples from Rhode Island can marry in Massachusetts.

Earlier this year, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that a 1913 law used to stop same-sex couples from outside Massachusetts marrying here could be applied only if a couple’s home state expressly forbids same-sex marriage. While most states do expressly forbid same-sex couples from marrying, Judge Connolly ruled today that nothing in Rhode Island law “explicitly deems void or otherwise expressly forbids same-sex marriage.” With this ruling, Rhode Island couples can now marry in Massachusetts….

Which is very good news indeed.

For more info, visist GLAD’s news room. GLAD also has a summary of how to get married in Massachusetts here. My church, First Unitarian in New Bedford, supports equal marriage and same sex marriage ceremonies as a part of our religious witness to the world.

3 thoughts on “This just in…

  1. ck

    Great news, definitely. Unfortunately, the ruling is irrelevant for those in states where the law forbids same-sex marriage. It also gives impetus for states to pass more of those laws and amendments, since they will fear being forced to recognize a Massachussetts marriage in turn.

    The news out of Georgia is good as well, today. It’s just going to happen in starts and fits, with lots of fighting until people come to realize that our relationships are just that–relationships, and not hidden agendas to bring down civilization.

  2. kim

    I was kindof hoping that the states not recognizing each others’ laws would make us break up into fifty separate countries.

    Shouldn’t not recognizing marriages in other states that wouldn’t have been legal in your state carry over into other marriages? Like, shouldn’t the couple who married at 14 in Alabama be unwed when they move to a state where you have to be 18 to marry? Isn’t that the legal precedent this sets?

  3. Administrator

    ck — You’re right, this ruling may serve to further polarize states on this issue. And I think you’re right — in the long term (amybe very long term), same sex marriage is just going to happen. Here in Massachusetts, we have seen most everyone (except Mitt Romney, but he’s positioning himself for a presidential run so who know what he really believes in his heart) just stop worrying about same sex marriage.

    kim — Good point! I’m no lawyer, but it does seem kinda strange — I’d love to know more aobut that 1913 law that this ruling is based on.

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