
This was one of those days where I simply didn’t have enough hours in the day to do all that needed to be done. Meeting first thing this morning, then a church work party, a lunch appointment, an hour and a half off in the afternoon (I used some of that time to start reading in preparation for this week’s sermon), meeting with the building committee and building engineers this afternoon, which I had to leave early so I could drive out to make a visit at a rehab center. Got home and immediately left for the laundromat (and no, laundry could not be put off for another day or two), did a little grocery shopping while the clothes were in the washing machine, took a walk (for exercise) while the clothes were in the dryer and made some phone calls while I was walking (thank goodness for cell phones). Got home at quarter to eight, made phone calls to try to track down Sunday school teachers for Sunday, ate dinner, and wound up with a pastoral phone call after dinner. Still haven’t put the clean clothes away. Still dirty dishes in the sink.


And somehow I remembered to notice the beauty of two Ring-billed Gulls in Buttonwood Park at dusk, and somehow dark clouds moving through in the middle of the day reminded me of higher matters. The busyness can only take over if I let it.

2 thoughts on “Busy

  1. Rosemary Donahoe

    Thank you for that lovely meditation Dan.
    That was exactly what I needed to hear.
    In the midst of my way-too-busy-day I did see the jewel weed finally in bloom.
    Thanks for reminding me of that holy moment–puts the busyness in perspective.

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