The new pests

Mr. Crankypants just came back from a stroll through downtown San Mateo, where, to his surprise, he saw a few smokers standing outside a bar. You hardly ever see smokers any more, and now that they are a strictly controlled species, Mr. Crankypants feels an odd sort of affection for them, especially when they are out standing in a drizzle. Remember when smokers used to blow smoke right in your face? Only those of us who are middle-aged, or who are from South Carolina, have seen people blowing smoke in the faces of others and getting away with it.

The aggressive smokers who used to blow smoke smoke in your face have been controlled, but now another invasive pest comes along to fill that ecological niche — the oblivious cell phone user. The National Safety Council says oblivious cell phone users cause at least 1.6 million traffic accidents a year, but Mr. Crankypants is talking about something less deadly. He is talking about the stupid man talking loudly on a cell phone while standing right in front of the potato chips who does not move. He is talking about the stupid woman pushing a stroller while mumbling into a cell phone and dragging a toddler (faster than the toddler can comfortably walk) who almost hits a passerby in the shins with the toddler. He is talking about the stupid man riding a bicycle while talking on a cell phone who blows through a stop sign, swerves around a car that stopped just in time, almost picks off a pedestrian in a crosswalk, and blithely keep on peddling and talking.

Like you, Mr. Crankypants is, of course, perfect, and never talks on his cell phone when he is walking on a crowded sidewalk, or while the cashier is totaling up his groceries, or while he is picking up his dog’s poop, or when he is in a one-on-one meeting with someone. A good long-term solution for the oblivious cell phone users is neutering; that will eventually put an end to their species (that, and traffic fatalities), but in the mean time Mr. C. is uncertain how to control these noxious pests.

3 thoughts on “The new pests

  1. OWEN!

    Mr. Crankypants, this is me, Owen! If you are picking up your dog’s poop you must have a dog!!! Do you have a dog? Do you? Do you? Can he come out and play? What kind of dog do you have? Dogs Are GREAT!

  2. Amy

    Sadly, many of us do not carry neutering equipment with us wherever we go. As an intermediate measure, I suggest taking down the credit card numbers the cell users are yelling into their phones and buying all those little luxuries you’ve been wanting. I have it on good authority that the courts are quite lenient with upstanding citizens who just happen to buy round-trip tickets to Hawaii via this method. Another measure is to take a cue from the callers and, in their presence and at full volume, discuss their “private” business, like so:

    Cell user, to friend via phone: And he had the nerve to tell me I needed to brush my teeth!

    Defender of civilization #1, to Defender of civilization #2: I think he was right, don’t you?

    D of C #2: Definitely. I can smell her breath from here!

    Riff as loudly as necessary until cell user goes away.

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