
Our apartment is right in downtown New Bedford, a ten minute walk from the harbor. Needless to say, there are lots of gulls in the neighborhood. A couple of mornings ago, a group of gulls set up shop on the roof of a building near us, and had what sounded like a knock-down, drag-out, sreaming fight over something. My guess is that they were fighting over some little scrap of half-decayed fish guts. Gulls seem to love to fight over that kind of thing.

I don’t mind the gulls fighting and screaming. It adds to the character of the neighborhood. But I do mind the fact that they were doing it at 5:30 in the morning, awakening me out of a sound and blissful sleep. I also mind that the kept up screaming at each other for what seemed like half an hour.

Stupid gulls.

1 thought on “Gulls

  1. Administrator

    Comments transferred from old blog

    Now, now. They’re just being gulls.
    Comment from writewrite – 9/14/05 5:38 PM

    Writewrite: Easy for you to say, you live in Indiana.
    Comment from Administrator – 9/15/05 4:15 PM

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