“Why I’m a Unitarian Universalist”

This Sunday, members and friends of our congregation will lead worship, saying why they are Unitarian Universalists. Wish I weren’t going to be out of town — I’m always fascinated to find out why people are Unitarian Universalists.

I was doing a little background research on this topic, and came across an essay by Norma Poinsett titled Why I Am a Unitarian Universalist.” I have watched Norma Poinsett from a distance for some years, and think she’s one of the most interesting and power-filled Unitarian Universalist lay leaders. I’ve been chewing over the last few lines of her essay, which I find more and more compelling the more I think about them….

Since it is the only religion I can stand:
To be present is to serve,
To serve is to be an advocate,
In being an advocate of Unitarian Universalism I find an anchor,
A life line that gets me from Sunday to Sunday
And from January to January.