“UU Voice” now online

The UU Voice, long a journal of independent opinion within Unitarian Universalism, is finally online. The Voice is sometimes cranky, sometimes inspirational, always independent of denominational headquarters. The article on the front page of the winter, 2005, issue, for example, suggests that we Unitarian Universalists should be trying to start storefront churches and “house churches” — and the article is, by turns, cranky, inspirational, and independent of the generally stated position at denominational headquarters.

Of course, what the Voice really needs to do is find someone to run a blog for them….

3 thoughts on ““UU Voice” now online

  1. Scott Wells

    For the record, I found the “church within a church” appeal to be pretty fuzzy and confusing. What prompted this? What would the outcome(s) look like? I’d also ask the “follow the money” questions.

  2. Administrator

    Scott — Yup, it wasn’t a well-written article.

    For what it’s worth, I know a couple of folks who are working on storefront or house church ideas outside the main UUA power structure; but right now, there is no money to follow. Outcome? –planting UU churches where none exist at present. What prompted them? –just wanting to do ministry. Too early yet to say if these projects will come to anything (and I’m not going to out anyone by naming names, not yet).

    Heck, I’ve thought seriously about going back into carpentry, and then starting a church on weekends — it’s just that I’m too chicken to try it.

  3. Bill Baar

    My mom attends a Church held at the beach in Florida each Sunday. She says she always feels
    good afterwords and never falls asleep during the sermon. Won’t work in Chicago… but
    it was nice visit.

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