If only…

Boy, do I hate lifting weights. I don’t have this attitude towards the other exercise I do — I like taking a long walk every day, no matter what the weather, and I even like doing some easy yoga and calisthenics in the morning. But even though I know I need to do it, I have never liked lifting weights.

Then I got bronchitis last winter and really was too sick to lift weights, and somehow I just never started up again. This past Thursday I finally dusted of the weight bench and the barbell and the dumbbells and spent forty minutes lifting. I was surprised at how good it felt. My body does not like sitting at meetings, and sitting at bedsides, and sitting at more meetings, and sitting in front of a computer; my body likes it best when I’m doing moderately hard physical labor. I lifted weights again tonight, and once again I feel great — more cheerful, more alert, happier.

If I could only keep it up, keep lifting weights three times a week like you’re supposed to do, I’d probably feel that good all the time. If only…

2 thoughts on “If only…

  1. James Field

    I find myself really dreading the switch to indoor exercise that comes with winter. I know that more strength training and pilates would help my running, but I really fight having to exercise indoors. Its great to hear that lifting is working for you.

  2. E

    Glad to hear you are back to exercising. It’s been a long time since I’ve lifted weights, but I found that in addition to feeling good for my body, doing relatively low weights with lots of reps encouraged a wonderfully meditative state.
    ps And there’s also hatha yoga for a great indoor way to take care of the body.

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