Oh, irony of ironies…

That alleged liberal stronghold, PBS, has an online poll which asks whether Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as vice-president. I just voted (you have to vote in order to see the results of the poll, and as of a few minutes ago, Palin was receiving a 51% positive vote. So the liberal PBS is going to report that a majority of their Web site visitors think favorably of the conservative Palin. That’s the first irony.

My cousin, Abbie F., let me know about this poll, and suggested that perhaps the Republican base has mobilized their constituency in order to vote in favor of Palin. No doubt she’s right, so they have sent perhaps thousands of their conservative constituents to the PBS Web site. This will cause the number of unique visitors to the PBS site to spike. I would imagine an increase in unique visitors will help PBS demonstrate to grant-making foundations that they deserve additional funding. It will also allow them to charge more for the banner ads that appear in places on their site. That’s the second irony –these conservative folks (who probably hate PBS) are helping to support it.

If you want to vote, too, here’s the link to the poll.

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