Minor presidential candidate news

If you’re still interested in voting for a third-party candidate, the following news factoids might be of interest to you…

Paris Hilton, who is apparently running a write-in campaign for president, has come out in favor of ratifying Kyoto. She also states that the official presidential vehicle (should she get elected) will be a pink hybrid SUV. She also says that “if you’re going to put lipstick on a pig, make sure it matches her skin tone.” I have to say that Paris is conducting her campaign at a higher level than some Main Stream Candidates. Alas, according to Wikipedia, Paris was born in 1981, and so is nearly twenty years too young to meet the constitutional age requirements for president. Let’s hope she runs again in 2028. [Thanks, Jean, for the link to the video.]

In other minor candidate news, the Elder God Party has announced a comprehensive plan for preventing the kind of financial crisis that is now engulfing the world. In a recent press release, C’thulhu and Shoggoth state that they will personally devour presidents and other executives of banks that have failed since the crisis began. According to their press release, Shoggoth has stated, “Richard Fuld doesn’t expect us to feel sorry for him, so we will eat him.” Fuld is the former president of the failed Lehman Borthers bank, who testified before Congress this fall that he didn’t expect anyone to feel sorry for him.

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