Liveblogging from Podcamp Boston

I’m in a session on Seesmic. Seesmic is an online video microblogging application that’s still in pre-alpha stage. It is simply amazing — a sort of combination of Twitter and and YouTube. Phillippe LeJeune, the presenter, has given us several live demonstrations of this. Right now, it’s all public, but they’re going to bring out private messages and private groups. The possibilities are simply amazing. For example, there’s now a plug-in for Wrodpress so that you can post video comments to a blog like this blog.

I just signed up for a Seesmic account — I’ll let you know when I post something. And then we can have a video conversation…

One thought on “Liveblogging from Podcamp Boston

  1. thomasknoll

    Oh cool! I’m glad you’re all signed up. I would love to hear your first impressions using the site if/when you have a moment.

    -ThomasKnoll (Seesmic’s community guy)

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