Yup, another joke

Ken, who has one of the driest Yankee wits I know of, told me a joke today. (When you read it, you have to imagine it being told in a completely deadpan voice, with plenty of pauses.) Here’s the joke:

— How far is it to Westport as the crow flies?

— About four thousand flaps.

This joke will probably not seem funny to non-Yankees — I pity those people.

7 thoughts on “Yup, another joke

  1. UU Jester

    Nope, I didn’t get it. And I know a couple of Yankees.
    (Nope, I don’t get them most of the time either…)

  2. Dan

    h sofia @ 3 — I’d say that New Yorkers are not New England Yankees. Some major cultural differences — language, sports allegiances, outlook, etc. But then, if you go west of the Mississippi, Yankees and New Yorkers all look the same to Westerners, so I guess it’s all relative.

  3. h sofia

    Dan – that makes sense to me. Apart from having a team with the name Yankees in it, I never thought of New York as being part of the Yankee fold. But that doesn’t mean too much. I just wanted to check!

  4. h sofia

    clarification: (my not thinking of New York as part of the Yankee fold is what doesn’t mean too much; hence, I asked.)

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