Link love

As the number of blogs keeps increasing, I’m finding it harder to find new blogs that I want to read; search engines like Google Blogs and Technorati give too much weight to corporate blogs. These days, I’m finding the best new blogs by following links from blogs I already read. Yet so many bloggers have let their blogrolls fill up with dead links… which realization caused me to revamp my own blogroll.

I don’t have room on the sidebar for all the great blogs I have found, so I’ve added a Page of Blogs. In the spirit of spreading link love around, if I read your blog more than twice, or if you link to a post on my blog, I’ll link to your blog from my Page of Blogs. In fact, if you simply comment on my blog, I’ll link to you from there.

And hey, if you’re a blogger, maybe I could encourage you to spread a little link love around by updating and expanding your blogroll. After all, blogging is supposed to be a conversation, right?

5 thoughts on “Link love

  1. Dan

    Aaron @ 1 — How could I forget the most awesome UU portal in existence? It has been added to the new Blogs page, thanks for catching this error!

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