Mr. Crankypants on General Assembly in Arizona

Mr. Crankypants has been watching with interest and amusement as some Unitarian Universalists demand that the 2012 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Assocaition be moved from Phoenix, Arizona, to — somewhere else. Because, you see, those who are politically naive believe that if the Unitarian Universalists don’t meet in Phoenix in June of 2012, […]

Mr. Crankypants is peeved but not Rev.

Mr. Crankypants has been reading Unitarian Universalist blogs, and has been noticing how many bloggers misuse the honorific “reverend.” The most common honorifics are used separately from each other. Thus we speak of “Dr. Smith,” or “Mr. Smith,” but after Mr. Smith becomes a doctor we do not speak of “Dr. Mr. Smith.” The honorific […]

Mr. Crankypants is in awe

Mr. Crankypants is seriously impressed by the brazenness of the health care industry. Dan, Mr. C.’s stupid alter ego, went into the hospital back in August. A few days ago, Dan got a statement from the San Mateo Medical Center. The hospital charged Dan’s insurance company more than $10,000 for a 24 hour stay. The […]

Mr. Crankypants grades the proposed Article II of the UUA bylaws

Mr. Crankypants sees that the Commission on Appraisal of the Unitarian Universalist Association has issued a draft revision of Article II of the bylaws of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Let’s look this document over as if it’s a term paper, and mark it up accordingly. For reference, here’s the document (thanks to Scott Wells). Let’s […]

Mr. Crankypants at GA

Generally speaking, Mr. Crankypants hates General Assembly:– too many Unitarian Universalists in too small a space; too much denominational politics; too much lousy food. But this General Assembly is made worse by the fact that the Fort Lauderdale Convention Center is just sad. Forget the fact that the Broward County sheriffs check your I.D. when […]

Mr. Crankypants stimulates the economy

Last month, Mr. Crankypants received a notice from the Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. It began: “We are pleased to inform you that the United States Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed into law the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, which provides for economic stimulus payments to be made to over […]

Mr. Crankypants is a fiscal conservative

Over on FUUSE, Bart Frost reports that the Steering Committee of Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) have announced that their funding will be cut off as of June 30, 2008. Bart reprints the letter from the YRUU Steering Committee Facebook page which announces the funding cut. Bart adds that this effectively means the end of […]

More bah humbug from Mr. C.

Mr. Crankypants is tired of these Christmas lies that we are feeding to children. So it’s time to tell the truth. No, Virginia, there is no — —wait, what’s that sound? Who’s that over in the corner? What’s— It sounds like the pitter-patter of little feet— —oh my God! The elves! The elv—